Summer of Purpose

It's the middle of May, and I am finally free from classes for the summer. For the last month or two I've been itching to be done with the semester, with my mind constantly wandering into summer, imagining what I would be doing with the freedom of not having to bus to Johnson County every other day. I even made a list.

And here it is.

This summer, I want to get back to doing those things I miss doing, the things I wouldn't let myself do all semester so it wouldn't be in the way of getting myself to do school work. I'm going to get back to reading more, maybe make some things, walk around the city more (exploring, and exercise!), volunteer somewhere.

But I've also got business to take care of. With my first semester at UMKC coming up this fall, I need to A) meet with an adviser and get enrollment taken care of, B) find a new apartment, hopefully close to campus. Gotta find something before the end of July (aka end of my current lease.)

I like to have a theme of some sort for my summer reading. Last summer was "thriller/horror". I read Jurassic Park, 'Salem's Lot, Frankenstein, and An Interview With A Vampire. I'm not sure if I want to focus on children's classics, Christian literature, or... what. I may let myself be more free this summer, and just read what I come across. I don't need a theme! It's the summer, I'll do what I want. Yeah.
I think I'm going to start with Mrs. Frisby and the The Rats of NIMH. Because I already have it right here by my lamp. Bam!

Summer, here I come!
